The Trouble with Thistles
Featured Poison

The Trouble with Thistles

People learn in different ways. Some learn by reading, others by observation, and then there are people like me that just need to pee on the electric fence themselves.* * I don’t know who said this. It’s been attributed to Will Rogers, but his estate and museum say it’s not from him. Where am I … Continue reading

I’m Back
Quick Commentary

I’m Back

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, and for that I apologize. Life and stuff, you know? I stopped to focus on my career. Needless to say, that bit me in the ass. As my colleagues delicately put it, I got f***ed. But hey, it happens. That’s life, right? What hurt the most though, is … Continue reading

Of Djenkol Beans and Djenkolism: The Southeast Asian Delicacy that Poisons
Cooking with Poison / Featured Poison

Of Djenkol Beans and Djenkolism: The Southeast Asian Delicacy that Poisons

Since the dawn of time indigenous peoples have eaten what the land, and sea, has afforded them. Humankind has evolved and adapted so wonderfully to the foods around them, from whale blubber of the Siberian Eskimos to nopal cacti of ancient mesoamerican peoples. But what happens when your food wants to poison you? You eat it anyways, … Continue reading